четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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I.....*blank stare*

I got everything done on my list of "to do" today except for "pack" which, really, is not something one gets done so much as something one does, continually.

I did buy a newspaper to use as packing material when wrapping fragile objects It cost almost precisely a dollar a page to get my 111-page thesis bound -- they have to print it on paper made from the skins of endangered animals, apparently. (This is sarcasm. No animals were harmed in the making of my thesis. Which I think shows admirable restraint on my part.)

I also turned in my keys and all the rest of my library books -- this being the first time in two years I have not had at least one book checked out at all times -- used up the last of my bookstore gift certificate on a DVD and a book of short stories, and got passport photos taken for my passport renewal, which I then promptly mailed off.

Look out world, SAM IS IMMINENT.

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